とげまるからの挑戦状 #難単語、英語表現クイズ
The Economist, TIME, foreign affairsなどの英字雑誌から難単語、難関表現を集めました。言い換えとなるものを選んでください。
1. succorと同じ意味の単語は?
succor: relief, help in time of distress or want
Adapted from essential words for GRE
2. austereの対義語は?
- inauthentic
- flamboyant
- unapprochable
austere:simple, plain, and without much decoration
flamboyant:different,confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention
Adapted from 英英英単語超上級編
3. staunchの同義語は?
- recondite
- steadfast
- redolent
staunch:firmly committed, firmly in favor of
Adapted from word smart
4. poseurの意味の説明として正しい定義は?
- song of joy or triumph
- person who affects an attitude to impress others
- society ruled by wealthy
poseur:a person who behaves or dresses in a way that is intended to impress other people and is not sincere.
Adapted from Harvard Business Review
5. fall by the waysideの意味は?
- to attack loudly
- to move back and forth
- to fail or be unable to make progress
wayside:the area at the side of a road or path
Adapted from Foreign Affairs
6. consummateの意味の説明として正しい定義は?
- very brave and determined
- small and pretty in a delicate way
- very bad or evil
Adapted from The Economist
7. a wandering from place to placeの定義に当てはまる単語は?
- peregrination
- saccharine
- fiat
peregrination:a journey, especially a long slow one.
Adapted from essential words for GRE
8. quotidianの同義語は?
- serendipitious
- prodigious
- commonplace
quotidian:ordinary, typical of what happens every day.
Adapted from word smart
9. tone-deafの類義語は?
- hawkish
- incontrovertible
- stolid
tone-deaf:unable to hear the difference between musical notes. It is sometimes used in a figurative way.
Adapted from Foreign Affairs
10. huff and puffの意味は?
- to clear from all blame or suspicion.
- to kill or destroy a large part of
- to breathe in a noisy way because you are tired.
huff:to say something or make a noise in a way that shows you are offended or annoyed.
Adapted from The Economist
とげまるからの挑戦状 #難単語、英語表現クイズ
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